Welcome To 4th Industrial Revolution
Established in 2003, we are a group of technical people and our mission is to help customers to offer end-to-end solutions. We take great pride in our professionalism and use state of the art tools to achieve our objectives. Professionalism, Experiences, Proven Solution and Affordability

Mission Statement
Bring technology for the betterment of our daily life.
NexGenDS will be the Global Technology Resources Company (GTRC) with pride, sincerity and dedication. People, partnership and performance (PPP) are NexGen vision in all aspect.
NexGen do support and respect human rights, protect global environment, work with community and mutual benefit.

NexGen like to build strong partnership with public and private companies. Government organization, Crown Corporation based on mutual benefit, trust and cooperation.
NexGen respect global culture, ethnic group, language, color and race. We value and work with diversity of people, prospect their talents, ideas and expertise.